Threads by latest replies - Page 17

No.39362727 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Am I trans if I want to be a woman regardless of my reasons to? I suspect I might not suffer from gender dysphoria.
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t4t love, is it worth trying again?

No.39362995 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
tfwi meet a cute trans girl that understands me. we share music to each other all night and she doesnt think im insane.
do i risk it on last time? is t4t love even real and sustainable? every other transwoman ive dated has ended in disaster >w<

No.39360130 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why do I never see interracial transbian pairings? At best you may see a southern European transbian date a northern European transbian but you never see a black transbian or an Indian transbian dating white transbians.
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What will be happened to transgender for this 4 years?

No.39361869 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I’m 24 years old Japanese trans girl wannabe but todays situations are so scared .

trump want to erase transgender and send to the camps in El Salvador.

they might send us to hospital to inject male hormones to make us ugly manly monster with full of beard

TERF become more strong power ,even japan (maybe second TERF island like a Britain )

Many normal people become thinking transgender is “not acceptable people for society”

It’s over
I just want to be big boob cute girl
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No.39363006 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Growing up, I had two gay friends. My parents let me have sleepovers with girls and with one of the two gay guys.
One day I asked why they wouldn't let me have a sleepover with the other gay guy and they said because he looked like a top. WTF? Is this normal?

No.39361827 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I need a person of any gender to play with my ass. It must be no commitment, no long-term emotions. The other person ideally is just looking for a fun way to spend 2 hours. I also can't post my face online for the world to see because I'm interested in keeping this as secret as possible.

What is the life-hack for this situation? To sum it up I just need a friend to have fun with.

Unfortunately I'm a misanthropic shut-in with no networking ;(
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No.39361076 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do you know anyone who transitioned to avoid military service? I have a friend from Singapore who tried, but they still got drafted anyway.
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What is going on with Emily?!

No.39362860 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is she ok?

No.39362406 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm not transgender but when I get jealous when I see a pretty cosplayer on twitter
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