Threads by latest replies - Page 16

No.39362292 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why won't video games consider us Trans women as possible bodies.
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No.39363702 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
For this years International Day of Trans Visibility, are trannies finally going to stop using the slur ch*ser to refer to Transamorous individuals, check their privilege and examine their unconscious biases against Transamorous individuals, perhaps the most oppressed group in the LGBTQIA+ spectrum?

How does AGP fit Carl Jung's Anima and Animus concept

No.39358236 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I was thinking about trying to talk to my Anima.Since I'm AGP do I even have an Anima to talk to. I identify as a Man, I'm not trans, so I don't think I have an Animus, but I do believe AGP is just normal female sexuality sooo. Idk
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pedophile enabler

No.39360602 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
im a 5' boy and i often dress up like a little girl to bait pedophiles. (i am an adult ofc.)
is this ethical?
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q for nb transfems

No.39360877 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
particularly for longtime nb transfems

how's life going for you? are you healthy? do you feel it's been worth it? what do you take to be nb and how much? can you girl-/boymode or woman-/manmode?
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No.39363150 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
i don't pass at all after five years on HRT and basically just look like a cute young femguy but transition was still worth it. people mostly treat me nicely because i'm cute and non-threatening even when i look like a faggot in a skirt and eyeliner and i actually have romantic prospects now. life as a balding meek short man with incel face would have been miserable. i'm not a transmaxxer or anything, i did transition because of dysphoria ultimately, but it's okay to point out that even being a hon is a better outcome than remaining a man would have been for me.
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/gaygen/ gachimuchi edition

No.39360967 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
prev >>39359442
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No.39362456 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Jews stole your cum.
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William88 is a nazi

No.39363157 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
And I have his phone number
Post your screenshots
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