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I’m gay and I fetishize FTMs ama

No.39333020 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Twinky FTMs I mean. I just think a lot of them are very good looking. The chest scars are hot too, once they’re healed at least. I dunno why.

I like imagining having sex with them (me bottoming) and also self inserting as one. The hottest thing would be genital swap though.
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Female chasers don't exist

No.39322043 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
If you didn't secure a cis girlfriend before trooning out, it's never gonna happen now. No cis woman wants to date a tranny. The only ones who will are the ones who had boyfriends that transitioned years into the relationship and didn't want to break up. Straight women don't want you, they want a real man. Lesbians don't want you, they want a real woman. Bisexual women also don't want you, for some reason I don't understand. I hope you like cock, because the only people who will ever be attracted to you are men and trannies.
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/gaygen/ gay edition

No.39331019 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
for men who like men as men

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I was playing this game, I think it's saying something to me :(

No.39335131 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

No.39334665 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
is it a good idea to shave off skin bumps?
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No.39335699 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I get hard at the thought of being a girl.
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what do i do

No.39335750 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
im dating someone long distance from across the country and hes really cool and i like him and we'll meet up in late april and i want him to be my boyfriend

and then i did a temp job for two months and was too open and chatty with a colleague and he got my number from me in a way that i kinda needed to give him (cant specify further to not doxx myself but i didnt have a choice) before i left on my last day

and i only realized in the moment of him requiring my number that he took all of the previous chattiness as flirting. he wants to meet up tomorrow

what the hell do i do i dont wanna break off my long distance thing and i dont wanna hurt the guy here either. also here-guy doesnt know im trans either and i dont wanna tell him but should i tell him i have a dick so we can part ways without him feeling bad

>t. mtf
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does your walk pass?

No.39334207 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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