Threads by latest replies - Page 11

No.39336208 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>I don't like my pp touched :(
What use are you then.

I signed up for the full package.

No.39335374 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Planning to go to New York soon. As chubby bottom would I be able to get some dick if I host at my hotel?
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No.39336229 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Were you treated like “one of the girls” growing up?
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No.39336474 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>80 hours of studying a week courtesy of my countries education system
>permaboymoding cause i live in the middle of fucking nowhere and rumors spread like wildfire here
>developed fucking ibs and constantly edge burning out

is it over boymoderbros

No.39336819 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Jabba the tranny goes on racist tirade and actually drops the "It's Ma'am" line. Optics status?
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No.39336267 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
what is it about long hair that makes someone look feminine
(this is not about men or people who look like men fuck off)
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No.39336684 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
why do straight men hate women?
why do straight women hate men?
i understand if ure a homo, but this certainly can't be healthy
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No.39335982 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>what it feels like standing next to a 5'2 cis woman as a 5'5 mtf
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No.39336899 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>tfw no childhood best friend trans gf

6'4 cis woman accosted in Walmart and called "tranny"

No.39333591 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Dani Davis was in the women’s restroom at the Walmart where she worked when she heard a man’s voice shouting from outside the stall.
The man yelled a slur for transgender people and said he was going to beat them up, Davis said. She was the only person in the bathroom at the Lake City, Florida, store.
Davis, who is not transgender, said she feared the man thought she was trans because she is 6-foot-4. She hid in the bathroom until the man left and told her supervisor what had happened.
A week later, Walmart fired her.
Davis, 29, said she was told she’d been fired for not reporting the March 14 incident to higher-up managers, creating a “security risk.” Besides losing her job, she said the incident left her terrified at how anti-trans sentiment had led someone to threaten her with violence.
“It was all very scary and heartbreaking and confusing,” Davis said.
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