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No.39333845 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do you presume others want to apologize to you for disagreeing about trans topics and then reject their apologies in advance, anon? Is this common?
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Femboys don't really exist

No.39331053 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
There are men who are feminine, and men who will occasionally dress femininely for various. However outside of internet sex workers, a "feminine man" usually refers to basically a twink. Our cultural conception of a femboy is not only far more feminine than that of a twink in dress, but they typically present as a femboy *permanently.* How our society (mainly online) thinks about femboys is also in such a way that their body proportions require one to be on estrogen or intersex. Femboys (at least in the popular consciousness) are essentially just flat-chested he/him women, and that's not an accident.

Now think for a second: how many cis men do you know that wear a skirt daily? Not just for a dare or a cosplay, but like, every day. I have yet to meet even a single one, & I imagine they're extremely rare. And yet, for some reason, they're extremely popular, mainly in a hypersexualized pornographic context like picrel, which was among the first results for femboy when I looked it up. Now, think for a second, what are other terms we use to describe very fem AMAB people? Trap? Theyook exactly like women, but are actually just pre-E boys who wear women's clothes to trick men into sleeping with them, as if though that's a real & prevalent category of human being.

Futas? Those aren't trans women either, they're cis women born with penises (often they're not even presented as intersex, literally just women with dicks). But they're almost never stated to be trans. Ladyboys? Those aren't women, those are guys who wear women's clothes and present as women and take estrogen but they aren't women! Are you noticing a pattern here? Cis people are very attracted to trans women's bodies, but they don't want us to be trans women, so they either negate the woman part (femboys, traps, & ladyboys) or the trans part (futas). We are desired, but only if we are not women to them. Femboys are just the latest variation of this, nothing more.
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No.39339943 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What caliber of transgirl can an incel weeb with 50,000 followers groom as a practice gf?

No.39339312 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do you go on dates with trans woman as a socially awkward man? Asking for a friend
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Have you ever met with someone from 4chan?

No.39339389 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What board did you use?
If you've actually met them in real life, how did it go? How likely is it that you'll be rape and/or murdered when trying to meet up with someone irl.
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No.39338489 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
i just wanna be someones femboy tradwife and cook them meals and get fucked after ; - ;
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Is Quinn to girly of a name?

No.39339933 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I’m a boymoder but I have a super masculine name and it’s really been starting to bother me.
I’ve been trying forever to find a normal unisex/androgynous name that I like, and my favourite is Quinn but I’m worried it’s too feminine (I don’t want a girl name cause that would be totally embarrassing to me and I don’t really want to influence how I’m perceived based off my name).
I just want to know if people think of Quinn as a unisex name or as a girl name

also feel free to tell me good andro names and stuff

No.39339845 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
There's this local lgbt bar that's great for picking up girls, but at the same time there's plenty of well passing trans dudes there on any given night. What are some opening questions I can ask to make sure they're not MtF's?

No.39339326 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Have you ever broken your testicles? If so how did it impact your sexuality?

No.39337683 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
why is it so fucking difficult to find a discord server that isn't either dead or filled with wannabe edgy moids