No.755563 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
draw dumb bullshit
181 posts and 166 images omitted

/CRAB/ Gaiden

No.803409 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
New Order edition

Comic and random art battles /crab/ Gaiden is the off season thread between the /crab/3 and the /crab/4 tournament, next year.

What is /crab/?

Comics and random art battles is an annual multi-board OC tournament with a strong emphasis on collab and storytelling.

What do we do here?

We chill and prepare for the fourth tournament (/Crab/4) in the spring/summer of 2025 with art, stories and mini events.

Wanna join? Introduce your character and pass the PIT challenge.
Some crabs that participated in /crab/3 still do stuff with their characters despite the tournament being over too.

You can check all the crab stuff here, /Crab/ Pastebin Archive:

We have a d****scord server too If you are into that kind of stuff.
To join you have to submit your character for crab4 and its introduction in any artistic format passing the pit challenge. Link: https://disAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHIT BURNNNSSSSSSS IT
Delete the screams for the link to work.

If you want to be a thread only its good, just post your entry itt and be present when the tournament thread is active.
225 posts and 107 images omitted

Board-tan Thread

No.799283 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
draw board-tans
4chan mascots are welcome, too
33 posts and 22 images omitted

/npg/ Comfy North Park OC thread #38

No.804732 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Welcome to the North Park OC thread, a place to draw, create and discuss original characters for North Park, a South Park spin off. Feel free to read through the wiki for more information on the characters so far. Otherwise, draw characters and have fun!

Momstrongs edition

Previous thread:

Wiki link:
349 posts and 110 images omitted

NSFW Dump Thread

No.795305 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is a thread for deliveries for the NSFW requests submitted in /a/, /co/, /v/ and any other request centered drawthreads on other boards. In light of the increased moderation on the SFW boards, the goal of this thread is to provide a safe space for artists to post NSFW material from other threads.

Previous Thread: >>746083
43 posts and 30 images omitted


No.782543 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
76 posts and 34 images omitted

Had F marks in art class during school

No.806217 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What do you think ? are the F marks deserved ?

No.802561 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
i dont know what demon possesed me to make this but i like it
1 post omitted


No.805163 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I wonder if it kinda looks good or...?