OC Thread 52: OC Kart

No.803311 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Y'all know the drill by now, its the OC thread! Post about your original characters and tell us about them. Could your OC win the Clover Cup? Or would they get 5th because they got blue shell'd right at the end?
Also, we are opening the server up again. Here's the invite. Come in and let's all yap about our little guys together!
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/npg/ Comfy North Park OC thread #38

No.804732 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Welcome to the North Park OC thread, a place to draw, create and discuss original characters for North Park, a South Park spin off. Feel free to read through the wiki for more information on the characters so far. Otherwise, draw characters and have fun!

Momstrongs edition

Previous thread:

Wiki link:
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No.740367 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Let's all draw the doomer girl!
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/CRAB/ Gaiden

No.803409 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
New Order edition

Comic and random art battles /crab/ Gaiden is the off season thread between the /crab/3 and the /crab/4 tournament, next year.

What is /crab/?

Comics and random art battles is an annual multi-board OC tournament with a strong emphasis on collab and storytelling.

What do we do here?

We chill and prepare for the fourth tournament (/Crab/4) in the spring/summer of 2025 with art, stories and mini events.

Wanna join? Introduce your character and pass the PIT challenge.
Some crabs that participated in /crab/3 still do stuff with their characters despite the tournament being over too.

You can check all the crab stuff here, /Crab/ Pastebin Archive: https://pastebin.com/WtsPZYXq

We have a d****scord server too If you are into that kind of stuff.
To join you have to submit your character for crab4 and its introduction in any artistic format passing the pit challenge. Link: https://disAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHIT BURNNNSSSSSSS IT BURNNNNNSSSSSAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHcord.gg/EkqvpyFm
Delete the screams for the link to work.

If you want to be a thread only its good, just post your entry itt and be present when the tournament thread is active.

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Cactus girls

No.791858 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Yo draw cactus girls Now!!!
55 posts and 48 images omitted

Personal Thread

No.778779 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Containment thread for myself<div class="xa24desu"></div>
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No.797504 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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Ye old fred comes alive

!!4R2unXekhjp No.805752 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The thread for the multi board schizo extraordaniry spic.

I am back.
Why you may ask?
Shrimple; i feel empty when not posting here. i will rebegin with the schizo posting and or other such things(plus rebuild of the fred and friends non chartible orgnazation).

We are so back fred chuds
>in ze werks

Video me and two other schizos did of us going through and reviewing the art of another person on here.

Animation in which various generations of fred designs interact(they have different personalities and shit)

New server with custom webhook like the og one.

More coming soon!
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No.795858 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
draw clarissa and chewbone
29 posts and 19 images omitted

/fur/ #6

No.792642 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/i/'s furfaggotry containment thread. Keep other faggotry to a tolerable minimum.

Previous thread: >>774137
179 posts and 133 images omitted