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No.4951907 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>What is Koikatsu?
An upcoming H game by Illusion that is a player focused School Life Sim with Idol components (potentially the core focus), in a similar vein to AA2, with MC-kun being the only guy in an otherwise all-girls school.
This info is mostly speculative and will be updated as we get closer to release.

>Is this the full game?
No, this is Koikatu, a Trial (character creator) that has been released to drum up interest in the main game, Koikatsu. The full game will be released in late April.

>What's in the Trial?
A Character Creator for the girl students in the school and that's all (so far). We'll most likely have to wait for the full release to make MC-kun and to assign girls as Teachers instead of just Students.

The *all.exe is the full download for the latest version as of this post (Trial v3.1).
The *sub.exe is the Update for v3, and should be ignored by new users.

>Game Installation
Extract to your location of choice, then install the Translator and Plugins following the instructions below.
The KoikatuTrial folder can be found under コイカツ キャラメイク体験版 Ver2 > setup > WinRoot > illusion

Make sure to download BOTH of the latest releases as you will NEED the Plugins for the translation to work.

>Translator Installation
For new users, please note that you want to extract the Plugins second and put them into your BepInEx folder. Run the BepInEx.Patcher, located in the main folder, afterwards.
Much thanks to Bbepis for your hard work!

Previous thread >>4947269