>>4397965>it represents waking up from the dreamThe question is why that scene happened in that moment when Sakiko finally acted on something and had clear in mind what to do and was finally happy and smiling with Uika.
That scene followed by the letter to Tomori made me think she suddenly left everything and everyone and ran away somewhere. I was relieved when the next scene was Ave Mujica projecting their return.
It really has no place in that moment. It's a positive episode when problems finally get resolved and the MC gets what she wanted and everything is going fine, but those lines foretells a negative outcome out of nowhere without any triggering element, except nothing negative happens. It would make sense if how you say there is still some incomprehension between Sakiko and Uika like Uika not knowing Sakiko well enough, but there's nothing telling you so. Like, look at Sakiko's face when Uika said she loves her. They're all over each other, there's no lingering drama.
>I'm unsatisfied that Uika still doesn't know things about me and I also don't know the real her because she's always lied to me>aaand it's goneThe last episode will be a live so there won't be time to further elaborate on their life together (or to develop other pairs either, sadly).
In the end Umiri was really wasted.
And that "uwaki"? Was she referring to Taki or Uika? It looks like she's talking to Uika but it wouldn't make sense when there's never been anything between them, so she must be jealous someone is stealing her role next to Taki, right?