>>4394383Communication issues stemming from what? Think about it a little, they would try to put basically everything out there in public on purpose (which according to Sukoya was because she felt like she owed the stream a peek into their relationship because the relationship happened due to streaming). Most of their interactions (outside of really personal things, and even then some of those too) were captured on stream, being comfortable with their relationship was the norm for them, that was their mode of communication. Sukoya takes a hiatus from STREAMING, Tomoe (who said this on stream) doesn't interact much with Sukoya or keep up because she thinks a hiatus from streaming also entailed a break in their communication, which upsets Sukoya. It's not that complicated, their connection being really strong and sort of instigated by streaming caused communication issues when Sukoya had to stop streaming because of circumstances.
Also sorry to say, but if you don't think NoeFure was ever a confirmed romantic relationship then you either haven't watched enough NoeFure or you're being willfully ignorant. I've watched every solo stream around their honeymoon period, if you want an explicit example, in one smash bros stream, Flare after talking about how Noel was for trying to take pictures of a rainbow on their date, explicitly calls Noel her lover. Another very public instance was when on twitter, Flare clarified that she doesn't want fans to use the word for married couple, because it implied husband and wife, when this relationship was a relationship between two women there wasn't a husband role in it. NoeFure have been very explicit about their feelings and their relationship, so please don't undermine it for whatever reason. Crossick themselves said they were against labels because of circumstances, yet no one can rightfully imply they are not lovers.