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No.982713 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Thought I'd start a thread. Don't worry it's just a stupid coomer thread that will dissapear into the archive, so this is harmless.

Basically I have nobody to share this with since I'm really lonely, but for the past weeks I've been filling up my external terabytes hard drive (it cost me like a 100 euros) and using /t/ a lot to download some cool stuff.

doing this on a laptop, that's on the side of my bed with the external

just 5 minutes ago it fell from my bed and bounced quite a distance.

I screamed, and shouted oh my god. I picked it up from the ground, immediatly plugged it back into my usb drive and I didn't see in my drive list. I plugged it out again, and in again. Still nothing, tears starting to come in my eyes. Then the third try it connected and I was able to enter my drive, with all the files still intact. Checked a few random folders.

I'm so fucking lucky. Jesus christ I hate myself guys for letting it drop like that.