Whoops! I screwed up the spoilers. Anyways, I don't think I'm going to eat after this. I feel a bit sick. But anyways, here's a 'classic'. Discipline, the original erotic VN, featuring 5 routes. They may be obtained in any order. They made a animated adaptation of this but I don't think I'm going anywhere near it... I've had enough internets for a while. This is the official english translation from 2007 (which has a noticeable amount of misspellings or improper capitalization) and it requires DirectX 6.1. I didn't need any fixes otherwise on my system (Win 10 LTSC).
DirectX 6.1:
https://archive.org/details/microsoftdirectx6.1englishsetupContent Warning (contains spoilers):
[spoiler:lit] Non-con (Male-Female, Female-Female, Female-Male and at one point Male-Male), Gangrape (both ways), Usage of toys by both men and women, Urine and urine drinking, Semen drinking (by MC too, at one point someone else's), Anal play (not just on the women but often in the MC's own ass, at one point, a Female-Male strap on scene), Orgasm Denial, Extensive narcotic use, Trap, Castration, Enemas of various fluids, Electrocution, Abu Ghraib tier torture [/spoiler:lit]
https://www.neoseeker.com/discipline/faqs/168737-b.html [spoiler:lit] Note that the only choices which actually affect your ending are the ones you make in relation to studying, 95% of them just change dialogue or CG's [/spoiler:lit]