>Age/Sex/Location22/M/North East USA
>GamesRocket League, PUBG, Tekken 7, FIFA, Kingdom Hearts.
Really big on Rocket League though.
It'd be dope if someone can bring me back to playing DOTA 2, haven't played it in years.
>MusicPic related is a gist, not particularly in any order but I tried my best. I listen to a whole bunch more /mu/ tier music on the side. (ask me about my
>MoviesKung Pow Enter the Fist, Dunkirk, United 93, Frank, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
TV Shows would probably mostly things that are on adult swim + good shit on netflix like always sunny. Someone get me on some good ass anime to fill the void like JoJo or Yu Yu Hakusho.
>Other InterestsPlaying/Watching soccer, watching football, basketball, UFC.
Whenever creativity strikes me, I go off and make some clothes or fuck around with photography.
>What I'm looking forHonestly, I would really want someone to talk to during some late night hours. Or even someone I can have a conversation with or someone to provide with background noise in a voice channel or call.
Someone that talks in memes and is with the shits. 4chan humor or other means like twitter shit or some funny worldstar shit.
Maybe someone that hears me out on my depressive lifestyle while floating around in my last year of college, studying Informatics.
Or importantly, someone who can help me out in Rocket League, I'm Diamond 1 Div 2.
>What I'm NOT looking forFurries, rainbow ass gay dudes, nibbas trying to show me their wangs.
>BONUS ROUND: Boards I visit/v/, /sp/, /tv/, /fa/, /fit/, /s4s/, /r9k/, /pol/ on occasion
I really don't visit /soc/ but I've been feeling extra lonely lately. It'd be cool if someone can be out there to tell me that "I can do it".
>Contact infoJelly#6704