Quoted By:
Generic inpainting of generic quality with no garuntee of any quality.
Requests a must, I don't read minds. No comment, no care.
Faces too, that human need for connection and all that jazz.
As I cannot think of a way to profit from this without giving away easily traceable banking information, I encourage you to donate to your local society for the protection of animals or Save the Children or wikipedia.
No garuntee I' ll do your image, either due to lack of skill or lack of care. I also come and go, so we'll see how long I stick around and when i come back.
Still haven't figured a way to reliable gen or inpaint any combined sex act, so keep it simple stupid.
Making these collages entertain me, and are no garuntee of any quality or ability with regards to your request.
Requests a must, I don't read minds. No comment, no care.
Faces too, that human need for connection and all that jazz.
As I cannot think of a way to profit from this without giving away easily traceable banking information, I encourage you to donate to your local society for the protection of animals or Save the Children or wikipedia.
No garuntee I' ll do your image, either due to lack of skill or lack of care. I also come and go, so we'll see how long I stick around and when i come back.
Still haven't figured a way to reliable gen or inpaint any combined sex act, so keep it simple stupid.
Making these collages entertain me, and are no garuntee of any quality or ability with regards to your request.