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No.11163537 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can someone explain to me the point of taking HRT if you're not trans and don't plan to transition? Like I get the appeal, having a more feminine body must be great, but it seems a lot of traps/femboy take it in an attempt to keep that look forever. Ageing isn't just hormone related, you know?

The biggest cause of ageing is sun damage, so you can avoid that if you use sun screen multiple times a day for the rest of your life, sure. But the loss of collagen cannot be reversed, aka the thing that keeps your body and face from sagging. Your bones will get weaker over time resulting in your becoming more hunched, and gravity will take it's forced on your body by making that sagging worse and making your smaller and more hunched over. Living for a long time is guaranteed to make your wrinkly, cause blemishes, make you sag, and so on.

You cannot stay a trap/femboy forever, so why bother? I admit, if HRT magically stopped ageing, I'd take it in a second. But it doesn't. You're just delaying the inevitable, and unlike men who get better with age (if they stay in shape and stay healthy), twinks/traps/femboys, who are loved most for their youth, will struggle to hold on to that the older they get. I'm not trying to be mean or anything, I genuinely want to understand this mentality.