>>2609651>do something rightThere is nothing incorrect/less than/wrong about being a Noahide in comparison to becoming a jew, I do understand though as most literature revolving around the Torah/Talmud and the stringencies are jew only
>PurimHeading to Monsey to visit family since I don’t host events at my home. Not too excited about giving large amounts of money to random kids on the street, but very excited to drink way more than my wallet allows
>“small” questionHow I personally deal with it is not the best, it's mostly just mess up, feel absurd amounts of guilt, repent, try to do good, mess up pt2, decide to do even worse for maybe a week to “get it out of my system,” feel even worse, go to rabbi to talk about it, do good for maybe 2 months then rinse and repeat. Aka I don’t really deal with it, all I do is just try to prevent the severity from progressing (lots of other stuff included in each step obviously but I’m not going to write a whole essay about it)
Going to do a little pic dump since this thread needs it