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General Information

If you need your content removed, either via a take-down request or a DMCA, please contact me at wtabusse @ gmail.com !

I guarantee that I'll get back to each and every email within a reasonable time (usually within 3 business days) that I'll take down all of the content that you own or represent
If I do not reply within a week, please email me from a different email - sometimes your mail gets in my Spam box.

I would like to clarify that I only archive 4chan.org, I do not own nor moderate nor have any access to 4chan or it's servers. 4chan as well has no control over this website. We are two independent parties. I also wish to make it crystal clear that I do not have any IP information or emails or any information on who posted any of the textual or image content online as the posts were made on 4chan.org and they do not disclose nor save that information. You're free to email them if you have further questions regarding the person posting your images/texts/etc.

Digital Millennium Copyright Act / Take-downs

To get content removed from my websites you need to prove that you're the person in the photos or to show me some evidence that you indeed hold copyrights of the content or that you are related somehow to the content or that you are an agent from a company or an agency or a federal service, working to take down all of this specific content. In that case - please read below and email me.

! Please pick EITHER ONE! (1) and only ONE of these following Options to validate that you are indeed eligible for a takedown !

1) If you're a legal agency of any sort (such as DMCA agency or federal agency) an email coming from you is good enough of a proof and I'll immediately take down all content in question.

2) Or take a selfie (a photo of you) while holding a peace of paper with my website and current date written on it. No ID or names required. I'll never publish your selfie nor share it with anyone else. I understand that if I do the opposite I'll face criminal charges.

3) Or I can also have a one-on-one meeting on discord (email me back for info) instead of a selfie, or if you need to discuss anything further and you would rather do it in a chat form rather than via email.

4) Or please provide a proof of ownership, such as legal papers - for example a contract with a client or a DMCA case ID, or a police report, or anything which can indicate a proof that you own it.

5) Or the original image (unedited/raw format, including EXIF info in the file) is also a good enough way to prove that you took the photo, so you can send me that one, specially if the photo on my website was edited.

6) Or you can contact https://dmca.com/ which specialize in removing content from the internet, not just my websites but all websites. They do that for a certain fee.

7) Or you can also explain fully how the content got uploaded and why you need it removed. If the story you can provide makes sense I'll gladly take down your content.

8) Or (worst case) If you do not own the content or do not want to provide any proof or to contact anyone nor any organization then you can make a donation towards my effort in deleting your content via bitcoins and I'll remove any content you want - NO QUESTIONS ASKED and no further proofs required.
THIS IS A LAST OPTION ONLY! Please resort to this only if all of the above is impossible for you. This is not a ransom and I'm not trying to gain any money from your situation, so please consider the above options first!
The pricing is negotiable and depends per-case, so please email me to talk about it further.

Final words:

Regardless of which option you choose I'll remove every reported by you content in under 42hours (unless it's some holiday and I'm on vacation, and thus away from PC, for example Christmas) and if there will be any delay I'll inform you in advance.

Once proof is shown I'll remove all of your text/images. I'll also assist you in removing any other images/text of you that you missed or have trouble finding on your own on my websites.
By "remove" I mean that I'll "ban" the image, thus deleting the thumbnail, deleting the main file (image/gif/webm/etc.) and blocking it in the system thus preventing it from being shown ever again.

I'll also request that you use the website to report the content, as it's much easier this way for me to locate and delete. In the report field, write your email or name so I can know who filed the reports.

Here is a visual representation on how to file a report for a post via the website interface:
For Archived.moe, TheBArchive.com, ArchiveOfSins.com view this image: https://i.imgur.com/ZXgcBT8.png
For 4archive.org, RandomArchive.com, 4ChanArchives.com view this image: http://i.imgur.com/d724Vtb.png

I do not own nor administer nor moderate any other websites! 

Do note that if the same post is present on more than one website you need to report it on each one too, since each of my websites use different database and they are not connected to each other.

Please, before emailing me, read everything from above!

DMCA.PRO step by step guide

Hello "Dmca.pro"! We've been having ongoing conversations for over two years.
The simple instructions that I send out to everyone and that are also shown above on this page on how to report content via the website seems to not be very clear for you, DMCA PRO, and using websites can be difficult, I know, so I've compiled a small guide now for you!

Step 1:
Download the URL you send out to me, you know, those things that look like https://archiveofsins.com/data/s/image/1647/83/xxxxx.png
"Download" means to save a file on to your computer, if that's still not very clear, ask your IT guy to show you
Step 2:
In Firefox, the web browser, with AdBlock installed go to https://archiveofsins.com/
Note that Chrome and Safari and other browsers alike may block the next functionality!
Step 3:
Click on the "Search through all the boards" field. A new field will be displayed.
Step 4:
Resize Firefox so it's taking only a portion of your screen.
Step 5:
Click on the downloaded file (xxxxx.png in this case) and then drag it to the
website's and drop it carefully onto the field labeled "Image Hash":

Step 6:
After this, click on the "Search on all boards button":

The system now will magically load a new page! In this case it was:
Step 7:
Now comes the fun part! You have to click on the post's report button! It looks like this:

Then you need to write out that you are DMCA "pro" into the Comment field:

Step 8:
Don't forget to click the Submit button to submit your report! This is very important!
If you have managed to achieve all of this thus far, I'm truly proud of you,
as your other colleagues from DMCA.PRO failed miserably at this task!
A message will be shown: "You have successfully submitted a report for this post."

And that's it! It's so simple, right? Now, repeat the same with all of the other URLs.

And if the URL (those long things you provided me that begin with an https:// and end with a .png or a .jpg or anything else that's odd looking for sure for you) points to a different domain - this is that thing between the https:// and the first /, like https://archiveofsins.com - in this case, the domain name is "archiveofsins.com", then try to navigate to that domain name and repeat the process. If this last part is too confusing, that's okay, I'll make a detailed guide again for you for the other websites of mine.

Final recap - Do Not Use DMCA Pro's services! Use Leakserv or DMCA.com instead!
As for anyone that even considers using DMCA.pro, please reconsider. If you expect that they will help with the removal of your DMCA content, they won't do it - they have send me more than 400 emails in the last few years and if they ever reply it's only to state that the URLs they reported are still present. They attempted a few times to use my websites, but it was "too complicated" or "it didn't work" for them somehow. Interesting, as I get combined more than 800reports on all of my websites every single day.
Dmcaforce.com is also okay to use, but they are not very talkative as well, though they have send me only 30emails.
Another very active company is rulta.com - they have send me more than 500 emails, however when I try to reach back to their [email protected] they never respond to me...

The only really good DMCA company is a small Dutch agency called leakserv
MORRISON COOPER LLP is also great - they directly report the content via my website, which helps a lot!
Same with Go Loti.
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